- B.S. in Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2016-2020
- M.S. in Physics with Extended Research, Imperial College London, 2020-2022
- DPhil in Environmental Research, University of Oxford, 2022-2026 (expected)
Key technical Skills
- Computational:
- Highly proficient in python and R
- Proficient in Latex, MATLAB, Wolfram, Bash
- Knowledge of machine learning in python
- Daily user of Microsoft office Suite
- Python specific:
- Data analysis. numpy , pandas
- Geospatial: xarray , cdo, netcdf4
- Data visualisation: matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, cartopy
Awards and Scholarships
- Special Project at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) - Resources to run six months of high-resolution weather forecasts
- Scholarship for a DPhil in Environmental Research. St. Cross College, Oxford. (2022-2026)
- Scholarship for a master’s degree abroad. DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Total worth 30,550€. (2021-2022)
- Degree scholarship for young talents. Heinrich-Böll Foundation e.V. Covering living costs of up to 650€ and tuition fees up to 10,000€ for two years studying abroad (2016-2022)
- Award for the best Physics Abitur (German A level equivalent) at Grimmelshausen Gymnasium Gelnhausen. Total worth 1000€. (2016)
Experience in Research and Data Analysis
- Research Assistant on Climate Damages – Oxford Sustainable Law Program (09/2024-present)
- Worked in an interdisciplinary team to assess methods for calculating flood damages with a hydrological model
- Within four weeks summarised methods on calculating climate damages from flooding and submitted advice to the US State of Vermont for Climate Superfund Law
- Intern at Imperial College London calculating the university’s travel carbon footprint (06/2021-08/2021)
- Calculated the College’s carbon footprint due to academic flying from incomplete data
- Communicated results to the College’s sustainability leadership to inform sustainability strategy
- Master Thesis on the predictability of tropical cyclones working with Ralf Toumi (09/21-06/22)
- Using the STORM model to create synthetic cyclone tracks we are aiming to improve the predictability of landfall- ing tropical cyclones in the South China Sea
- Thesis and research assistant on centennial scale variability of Atlantic Overturning (08/2019-09/2020)
- Assessing past variability and recent decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation from climate model data
- Independently planned and implemented data analysis of four CMIP models and presented results at the international conference EGU 2020.
- Summer Student in the Department of Physics, Oxford (06/2019-08/2019)
- Analysis of parameter perturbation experiments and their effect on temperature variance in a global circulation model (weather@home model based on HadAM3P)
- Summer Student in the Institute for Meteorology, Freie Universität Berlin (7 weeks - Summer 2018) - Assessed reliability of the MPI-ESM climate model in heat waves for decadal climate projections
- Assessed reliability of the MPI-ESM climate model in heat waves for decadal climate projections
Publications and Selected Conference Presentations
- Event attribution of a midlatitude windstorm using ensemble weather forecasts (2024). Shirin Ermis, Nicholas Leach, Fraser Lott, Sarah Sparrow, and Antje Weisheimer. Environmental Research: Climate. DOI:10.1088/2752-5295/ad4200.
- Forecast-based attribution for midlatitude cyclones (2024). Shirin Ermis, Nicholas Leach, Fraser Lott, Sarah Sparrow, and Antje Weisheimer. Oral presentation at EGU 2024 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1978.
- Modelling interannual variability in a tropical cyclone hazard model (2022). Shirin Ermis and Ralf Toumi. Oral presentation at EGU 2022. DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1725.
- SIAM-IMA conference, June 2, 2020. Talk on Assessment of temperature fingerprints in the North Atlantic for the reconstruction of deep water formation.
- EGU 2020, Poster presentation on Assessment of temperature fingerprints in the North Atlantic for the reconstruction of deep water formation. S. Ermis, P. Moffa-Sánchez, A. Jahn, K. Rehfeld.
Science Communication
- Article for The Converstaion on passing the 1.5˚C warming threshold (2025)
- Article on palaeoclimatology in for Anthroposphere Magazine, the Oxford Climate Review (2021)
- Future Lessons from the Past. Beatrice Ellerhoffer and Shirin Ermis. Online version (February 2021).
- Several published articles in Imperial student newspaper Felix and the blog (2020-present)
- The future of attribution science. An article on the science of extreme event attribution and an interview with Dr Frieder- ike Otto. Shirin Ermis. Print edition of Felix (October 2021).
- This year’s female Nobel Laureates – A paradigm shift? Shirin Ermis. Online version (October 2020).
- Humans of Physics IV: Shirin Ermis. (September 2020). Online version
Interdisciplinary Experience on Climate Change
- Delegate of Imperial College to the U7+ Student Forum (Summer 2021)
- Topic of the student forum is “Climate Change: Intergenerational Conflict or Intergenerational Alliance?”
- Together with a team of six students from across the globe, I wrote a policy brief on how to tackle multigenerational issues which was presented to the university presidents in November 2021. Attended masterclasses on interacting with policy makers from leading academics.
- Oxford School of Climate Change, 8-week program in Autumn 2020 organised by Oxford Climate Society
- Gained insight from Oxford lecturers on diverse Climate Change topics
- Designed extreme heat adaptability roadmap for London in a team
- Students for Future Heidelberg, Member of the Organising Committee (2019)
- Organised Climate Strike Week with an entire week of alternative lectures within one month and arranged participation of 8 senior academics
- Member of the Organising Committee for the seminar “Ethics in Natural Sciences”, Heinrich Böll Foundation e.V. (2019- 2020)
- Planned weekend seminar including a workshop on responsible science communication and lead discussions
- Delegate of Heidelberg University at the Climate Conference, Conference of the Parties (COP) 23, Bonn 2017